It’s time to not always have politics be a lie. Run a brutally honest campaign.
Art, music, design. They are sexy. They are your friends. Stop making campaigns that taste like cardboard.
Be theatrical. Be playful. You're on stage.
Use provocative language, you swine. People like being slapped in the face.
Become the police to disarm the police. The only way to immunize the power is to get it.
Don't assume the people in power are Intelligent. Assume they’re greedheads and pondscum who got power by gaming a dysfunctional system. We can game it too.
Come out of nowhere with both arms swinging to demoralize the establishment. They think they're safe until you're on the ballot…
Have a clear platform. Make it spicy. Make it passionate but keep it simple. Five points. What do you stand for? What do you believe in?
Turn stereotypes on their head. If they call you a “snowflake”, wear biker gear to your next rally and talk about your “snowflake opponent.”
Be the voice of the angst around you. The disenfranchised are waiting for someone who can articulate their frustrations.